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Monday, February 06, 2006 

Pinko Kronkite, How I love thee

Had a great time at The Session on Saturday night - thanks to all those who came out to support the show - especially as the weather sucked bad! Torrential rain in February - who would have thunk it?
Initially, I was a bit hesitant to play the bar because it's quite small and is mostly known for it's acoustic acts, however, Rue, Melissa and Laila are trying to diversify and book more eclectic bands and The Hemis are never one to back down from a challenge. To start the night off with a bang, there was a hardy frat boy smack down in front of the bar, complete with blood, broken glass, bouncers and cops (think lonely baseball caps, dislodged from noggins, blowing down Queen Street). That mayhem got the adrenalin pumping and after a few technical glitches were dealt with (thanks Kim and Sean) we managed to pull off a couple of energenic and entertaining sets. Pinko Kronkite finished the night off with some raw "Christian Rap". They're a very physical band for a three piece. They like to verbally and physically abuse each other on stage too - their last song ended with the bass player trying to karate kick the singer in the cojones and the drummer diving over the drum kit to beat up on the both of them - somebody almost lost an eye. All fun for the kids. It was that kind of night and a good indication of the potential of The Session to become a viable music venue for all types of artists. Laila has some HEMI pics up at her blog The Lazy Worm and to check out more about Pink Kronkite go HERE.