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Monday, January 23, 2006 

The Big Smoke Is The Dope

So says art, architecture and cultural critic John Bentley Mays in his most recent article in the Globe and Mail.

"Suddenly, people are in love with Toronto again. They are making music and art and magazines in its busy cultural scenes, haunting laneways in search of marks made by the city’s feral children and finding secrets long hidden underground, busily writing down and talking about what their hungry readings of the archives and the very ground are turning up." I received the monthly newsletter from Coach House Books . It seems that uTOpia: Towards a New Toronto is doing quite well financially. Pages Books and Magazines told Quill and Quire that the book has made it onto the store's Top 10 bestselling-books-of-all-time list.

In related news, uTOpia: Towards a New Toronto contributors Adam Vaughan and Nicole Cohen, and Robert Rennick, a teacher at Inglenook Community High School who is responsible for the only high school course on utopia currently on offer, discuss how to move Toronto to the next level at the Canadian Urban Institute's Roundtable Breakfast Seminar Series. The event takes place at Metro Hall (55 John St., Toronto) in Room 308/309, and begins at 7:45 a.m. Tickets are $32 for members and $40 for non-members.