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Tuesday, January 10, 2006 

Tories Surge in the Polls

God Help Us All!
Can I tell you how freaked out I am of the impending Tory government majority in the upcoming election. According to a new national poll completed yesterday, the Conservatives are charting a course toward a majority on Jan. 23. The thought of waking up on the 24th to a Prime Minister Stephen Harper is down right creepy and just plain wrong, yet how much more of the liberal corruption scandals can this country take? There is some small comfort in the fact that at least we have the balls to vote out our corrupt politicians even if it means replacing them with an equally corrupt, radical, right-wing conservative machine. In either case, it does not bode well for the direction of this country, but much worse if Harper and his band of fundamentalist neo-cons are granted power. The best I can hope for is a conservative minority with the NDP picking up some well deserved new seats. I'll be voting for Peggy Nash (NDP) in the Parkdale/Highpark riding. She's my kind of gal - a straight shooter with a strong committment to medicare, the environment, women's rights, job protecion and fare wages, cultural issues/arts funding and a host of other social justice causes. Plus, she's actually lived in the hood for 20 years - know what I mean, Sam?

That's Peggy (see photo above) with Mayor Miller and actor/activist Danny Glover at the Community Forum for the Hotel Workers on December 3rd, 2005. The forum was organized to support the hotel workers in their campaign for better wages and working conditions.