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Wednesday, December 21, 2005 

Split Decisons, Vtape exhibiton

I was perusing RM Vaughan's stellar blog recently and noticed a review of an exhibiton my pal Deirdre Logue is participating in. Here is a still of Deirdre's film from the Vtape show. Says Vaughan: "Equally fun, and beautiful to look at, is Deirdre Logue’s succinct, aptly titled short 'That Beauty'. The film opens with a screen full of brilliant sparkles and fades into a heavily shadowed shot of an unidentified person (Logue, I suspect) dancing in his/her kitchen. As the figure rocks out to a looped beat and repeated, upbeat refrain, her/his body grows increasingly covered in the bright speckles of light, until the dancer looks like Tinkerbell on an ecstasy high. This film is so joyous, and so neatly self-contained, that it deserves to be viewed twice, if for nothing more than the giddy high it induces. Logue’s films have always had a playful bent, despite her reputation for making meditative, introspective work, but 'That Beauty' is her Flashdance. Split Decisions Curated by Paul Wong Vtape 401 Richmond Street, Suite 452 Until January 13