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Friday, December 16, 2005 

Notes From Nica

Celebration Of The Immaculate Conception
My pal (and former 'Junction' peep), Sue MacCormack, is currently in Managua, Nicaragua doing a stint with a Canadian NGO. She sends out regular updates that are as entertaining as they are educational. Here is a brief excerpt of her last post: "dec 7 was the celebration of the immaculate conception. nicaragua loves this day. sing songs, give gifts, scream at shrines, its all a bit crazy. i went to leon for ´purisima´ to join the festivities. this includes trick or treating. same concept, walking door to door, but instead you say ´quien causa tanta alegria?´ (who causes so much happiness?)" "answer: the conception of the virgin mary. then you say VIVA LA VIRGIN!! and then they give you treats. but these are more than treats, these guys give away tupperware, pens, pencils, hair accessories, candy, baked goods, instruments, home decor, buckets, mugs, jewellery... whatever you need really."

I would go around door to door screaming 'VIVA LA VIRGIN' too if I could get me some tupperware.