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Friday, December 02, 2005 

Junction Revitalization Finished

I've been browsing Henry Calderon's site on the internets. He's the dude responsible for spearheading the Toronto Junction's revitalization project over the past 5 years. In a nutshell, sidewalks were widened, storefronts were given facelifts and new lamposts were erected. Crackheads and Hos' were disposed of discreetly (in the kindest, gentlest way of course). In a 4½-year project undertaken by Toronto Hydro, unsightly overhead cables were buried at a cost of $20-million and 162 old-fashioned black streetlights were installed on Junction streets. (see pics). Eventually, this blog will focus mostly on the west end Junction community, but for now, until I get myself a good digital camera and a bit more time, I will be posting on various blog worthy items as well as Junction/Toronto related features.