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Friday, December 02, 2005 

West Toronto Railpath

Here in the west end, several organizations have banded together to promote "cycling trail opportunity" No. 10, more commonly known as the West Toronto Railpath. The Friends of the West Toronto Railpath is a community-based working group with the goal of assisting the City of Toronto finance, design and build a 6.5 kilometre path from Toronto’s Junction Neighbourhood into the heart of downtown Toronto and the shoreline of Lake Ontario It will be a strategic green transportation corridor running diagonally across the street grid in the West end of the City. It will help change the way people travel in Toronto’s West end and it will enable them to make more environmentally-sound transportation choices. Railpath will re-connect Parkdale, Roncesvalles, The Junction, High Park, Brockton, Beaconsfield, Liberty, Trinity- Niagara, and Dundas West. It will also give residents of West Toronto direct access to downtown.