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Thursday, December 29, 2005 

Young Street Shootings

My mind has still not fully processed this event and what it means to me; a person who lives and moves within this city. Having grown up next to Detroit, gun crime and random killings were common place. Not a night would go by when the news wasn't riddled with tales of shootings, stabbings and murder. As close as we lived to this chaos, there remained some comfort in knowing that such brutality didn't exist in Canada and if it did, it manifested itself in rare, isolated incidents. Not so anymore. Toronto has experienced an unsettling, violent year - one that has made many of us think twice about the neighborhoods we live in and the streets we walk on everyday. My fear is that we have not seen the worse. My thoughts are with the friends and families of the victims.

The Hidden City: Reading Toronto takes a look at the gun violence of our youth.
Photo: The Star