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Tuesday, January 03, 2006 

Open To The Highest Bidder

Toronto's city councillors are determind to sell every last inch of our public space to the higest bidder. Case in point - those god awful billboards (garbage/recycling bins) lurking all over the GTA. Poorly designed and towering above the average human, they are as useless as they are dangerous. Not only is it difficult to tell which slot to put your garbage in but their size, 2.3 metres tall and about 1.5 metres wide, cuts off your view of the road and the sidewalk. There are several in the Junction - notably the one at Dundas and Pacific which regularly has garbage spilling out of it's narrow trash slots. In the next few months, the City’s Works Committee will vote on whether to approve the EUCAN monster garbage bin pilot project. Remember, these are billboards first, and trash bins second. For more info on what you can do to prevent these monstrosities from taking over our city, visit the Public Space website. Junction peeps can contact city councillor Bill Saundercook directly at (416) 338-5165.

A good article summing up the situation by Christopher Hume of the Toronto Star.