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Thursday, January 05, 2006 

Notes on "Humps"

"There are bad songs that offend our sensibilities but can still be enjoyed, and then there are the songs that are just really bad—transcendentally bad, objectively bad.The "humps" in question belong to Fergie, who brandishes her "lovely lady lumps" for the purpose of procuring various gifts from men who, one would assume, find the prospect of "lumps" very exciting—one lump begetting another lump, if you will." You can read the entire article at Slate. Funny stuff.

wow, chill, it's just a song with a good beat for people to dance to, and it's true, women do it all over the place, pubs, bars, clubs, it happens all the time. let her shed light on the subject to make people aware if anything else. other than that, it's just a song, hell, 98% of the music made in the last 15 years sucks, brittney spears, back street boys, nsync, 3 doors down, nickel back, disturbed, there is a small handfull of good music out there and since it's not pretty or poppy, or gangster enough it's pushed aside.

Dude, who are you?

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