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Wednesday, January 18, 2006 

We Don't Need This Fascist Groove Thing

This is fucked and shows just how far down the rabbit hole the USA has fallen.
"An alumni group is offering students up to $100 per class to supply tapes and notes exposing University of California, Los Angeles professors who allegedly express extreme left-wing political views. The year-old Bruin Alumni Association on its Web site says it is concerned about professors who use lecture time to press positions against President Bush, the military and multinational corporations, among other things." full story here It's a slippery slope down to Fascism if you want to start monitoring classrooms for signs of political descent. In fact, maybe America is already there, after all; don't all Fascist leaders claim they have the right to unilaterally spy on, torture, and assassinate anyone they deem to be a threat to their country/régime?