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Tuesday, January 24, 2006 

My Take On Things

Ok, let me get this off my chest first - PM Steven Harper: Ewwwwww. Now really, after last nights predictable PC minority 'victory', we can take solice in the actual numbers and see that Canada is not in danger of falling to the Prarie Taliban after all. The breakdown is as follows: Conservatives 36% Liberals 30% NDP 18% Bloc 10% Greens & others 5%. That means 63% of the voters, voted centre or centre-left. Combine that number with the 40% of Canadians who were too apathetic or for whatever reasons, didn't bother to vote and Harpers 36% looks even less like any kind of a mandate. Lucky for us, Stephen Harper is contained by a fairly tight leash where social issues are concerned, and for this we can be happy. To boot, the NDP upped their seats in Parliament by 10 and one of those seats now belongs to my MP, Peggy Nash! (left in above photo) Yippee! This government will inevitably collapse in 10 to 18 months, as most minority governments do.