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Saturday, February 11, 2006 

Destroyer's Rubies

Destroyer fans now have their own Wiki.

Mission Statement
"Welcome to the Destroyer Wiki. This is an attempt to annotate Destroyer lyrics. However, no attempt is made at describing what a song is about. I don't know what any of them are about. Nobody does." Also, the hightly anticipated 'Destoyers Rubies' is out Feb. 21st. There's been lots of talk in the blogosphere about this disc surpassing 'Streethawk', but after sampling the tracks thus far I have to say, yes, it's very good (3000 flowers rocks), yet it doesn't grab me right out of the gate like 'Streethawk' did. Regardless, I'm gonna give it some time to sink in before I make my final opinion known. Merge is streaming a preview of the entire record here.