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Friday, February 10, 2006 

Doris Is Back!

It's official, Stockwell 'Doris' Day has been appointed by Dear Leader as our new 'Minister of Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness'- don't you feel secure. The Canadain Cynic calls him 'one of the most embarrassing retards to ever stumble through Canadian politics'. Remember when Warren Kinsella mocked Day's disbelief in evolution by saying, "The Flintstones weren't a documentary," and by bringing out a Barney doll, and stating that "this was the only dinosaur ever to be on Earth with humans."

I'm sure Doris is all ready to launch Canada's first Faith-Based Anti-Terrorism Unit. Here she is, patrolling the beaches for suspected terrorists, checking bikinis for IED's. According to Wikipedia, these are a few of the things Doris will be responsible for: RCMP, CSIS, Canada Customs. God help us all.