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Friday, February 24, 2006 

Music Makes The World Go Round

Another big-ass spread in this weekends NYT's about Toronto's music scene. The article mostly focuses on Broken Social Scene but it also features Globe and Mail music critic Carl Wilson, Johnny Dovercourt and Steve Kado from The Blocks Recording Club. Can't say it delves too deeply into all that is happening in this city but it does discuss the communal aspect of the big smoke's music/cultural scene. Surfing some of my favourite music blog's today, I was intrigued by the big flame wars (see comment sections) going on re: some harsh criticism of the 'Sloan Tribute Night' at The Boat last week. Certain peeps thought the night was self-indugent and sucked and this caused an uproar as those who attended, organized, or performed in the show had to defend their indie hipster cred. I learned a few things, like, what 'KH' stands for - Kensington Hipsters, that 'Drake Juice' is coffee and 'QSM's' refers to Queen Street Man. It also inspired some interesting haiku poety slams:

I did not go to The Sloan tribute. The nineties: Gone like peach blossoms. North of College Street I found a still centre ’midst The uncool people. My heart is serene: I did not check zoilus.com For over a week. As the leaf unfurls I came to know that my hair Deserves a punching. My early twenties End and I become wiser: The way of all things

I do have to admit there is some good critical conversation going on in the Zoilus (see clarifying Torontopia) thread about community vs exclusivity. It's funny to sit back and watch this unfurl, especially as someone who plays in a local band, who has no indie hipster cred whatsover and is ecstatic if 5 people outside of friends come out to a show...lol...get over yrselves people.