Friday, November 18, 2005 

uTOpia: Towards a New Toronto

Just got my copy from Coach House Books and I highly recommend. "The Big Smoke is on fire! Since the election of Mayor David Miller in late 2003, Toronto has experienced a wave of civic pride and enthusiasm. There’s renewed interest in a waterfront revitalization and the TTC, and in transforming important buildings like the ROM, the AGO, OCAD and the Gladstone Hotel. The indie music scene has exploded, and projects like Spacing magazine and This Is Not A Reading Series have brought new life to Hogtown. Toronto has once again become a place of possibility."

Wednesday, November 16, 2005 

Demise of the American Hobo

"Sadly, the long and bloody reign of the American hobo is nearly at an end. Finding themselves in competition with Asian hobos who can eat and stab twice as fast on half as much liquor, the American hobo industry will inevitably be forced out of business." Actually, snark aside, I've always thought hobos to be quite noble. Check out this link of Hobo Terminology and other nibbly Hobo bits.