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Thursday, April 27, 2006 

Raptor's Matt Bonner DJ's Our Gig

It was an unexpected surprise when Toronto Raptor's Forward-Center, Matt Bonner (The Red Rocket), ended up being the guest DJ at our Bovine show on Tuesday. Dude is huge but very gracious and spent a lot of time getting pictures taken with the bands and crowd. Seems like Matt is not too big on Hip Hop (the prefered music of 99.9 percent of NBA players) and instead loves him some Rock and Roll, so when time permits he likes to drop into the Bovine to spin some tunes. I must say, I was impressed with his musical selection. I thought it might be a little too heavy metal, but he played everything from good old school rock, to garage, metal and punk. He stayed until the end of our set and gave us some props and posed for pics. The show was probably one of our tightest too. The sound was great, the crowd was receptive and best of all we got payed $350.00 in queen - the most money we've ever made for a show, yo.