Thursday, April 27, 2006 

Raptor's Matt Bonner DJ's Our Gig

It was an unexpected surprise when Toronto Raptor's Forward-Center, Matt Bonner (The Red Rocket), ended up being the guest DJ at our Bovine show on Tuesday. Dude is huge but very gracious and spent a lot of time getting pictures taken with the bands and crowd. Seems like Matt is not too big on Hip Hop (the prefered music of 99.9 percent of NBA players) and instead loves him some Rock and Roll, so when time permits he likes to drop into the Bovine to spin some tunes. I must say, I was impressed with his musical selection. I thought it might be a little too heavy metal, but he played everything from good old school rock, to garage, metal and punk. He stayed until the end of our set and gave us some props and posed for pics. The show was probably one of our tightest too. The sound was great, the crowd was receptive and best of all we got payed $350.00 in queen - the most money we've ever made for a show, yo.

Tuesday, April 25, 2006 

Jane Jacobs RIP

Jane Jacobs passed away overnight. She was just shy of 90 years old. She was an author and community activist and a true hero of mine. Anyone who has read "The Death and Life of Great American Cities" has been transformed by her ideas about urban planning. When she was appointed as an officer to the Order of Canada in 1996, her citation said "By stimulating discussion, change and action, she has helped to make Canadian city streets and neighbourhoods vibrant, liveable and workable for all." Bravo Jane. Article

Friday, April 21, 2006 

"Censorship Born Out Of Fear"

A play based on US activist Rachel Corrie goes underground in Toronto. Cancelled in New York, the first Toronto reading of 'My Name Is Rachel Corrie' is being held at a secret location. Article

Thursday, April 20, 2006 

Junction Wireless

Sweet! We now have a wireless hub in 'The Junction' @ Axis Gallery and Grill (3048 Dundas St. West). That's FREE wi-fi, peeps, brought to you by the good folks at Wireless Toronto. In case ya don't know, Wireless Toronto is an all-volunteer group dedicated to spreading free wireless internets across Toronto -- god bless their little geek souls. Check out their site and their blog:

Tuesday, April 18, 2006 

Video Clips Of Detroit Cira 1954

I found these on Detroit streetscapes filmed inthe 50's before the race riots. Notice the peeps walking around. Part 1 Part 2 Part 3

Wednesday, April 12, 2006 

Toronto The Green

Cool! Mayor Miller gets a big thumbs up for spearheading Toronto's committment to the environment in Vanity Fair's latest "Green Issue". The mayors of San Francisco, Seattle, Baltimore, Chicago and Miami are also featured in the photo spread.

Monday, April 03, 2006 

Bettie Mae Page

The internets has a treasure trove of info on Betty Page. This photo is from an LA Times feature that discussed how her images have become a 'cash cow'. Here she is signing a print of one of the early pin-up photos taken by 'Bunny Yeager'. I find this a very poignant picture for many reasons.