Thursday, March 30, 2006 

Fainting Goats

It's true. See for yourself Here are some excellent "Fainting Goat' action shots. Check this video out too! Props to Mr. Randy Watson for the heads up.


Please, God, No More

Anyone who knows me, knows that I am a hugely against "Street Furniture" of any kind. Every time I walk down Dundas St. West and see those god awful mega bins standing 6 feet tall, just waiting for some hideous ad to grace their sides, it makes me want to scream. And now this... You can bet I am going to start carrying an arsenal of tomatoes and eggs...on second thought, I may just purchase that sling shot I've always longed for.

Saturday, March 11, 2006 

The Bad Bands Revolution Begins

"The world of music today is structured in such a way that it's not music if it's not heavily produced, or mass-produced," said Bronsteter recently. "We don't agree. We think music is any kind of creative expression that results in sound. It's not what's limited to what a major label will release." Check out the whole article on Toronto's Bad Band Revolution.
Pyramid Culture


Parkdale Sweep Nets 130 `johns'

I'm back from my self imposed 'blogger exile'. I was just getting bored of the whole darn blogging thing, however, today I read this sick and creepy article about a huge 'john' bust in Parkdale. The sketch of the men caught up in the raid is beyond words. Read for yourself here.